Get Your Book!
Wyoming County Reads: One County, One Book, One Movie
The Tunkhannock Public Library and the Dietrich Theater would like to invite you to read "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. Get your free book at the Tunkhannock Public Library, The Dietrich, or other libraries in Wyo. Co. while supplies last. Join us for book discussions and see the movie. Admission is free and refreshments will be provided.
Call the Dietrich (996-1500) or the Tunkhannock Public Library (836-1677) for details. This series is sponsored in part by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council.

Stories & Songs with Mary Baker & Isabel Wilner
Saturday, February 11 from 11:00 am - noon.
Admission is free.
Sponsored by State Farm Insurance.
Mary Baker will return to the Dietrich with your favorite songs and stories. Children's author, Isabel Wilner, now a permanent Tunkhannock resident, will tell The Magic Umbrella and other of her favorites from around the world. Fun for the whole family.

Jez Lowe & the Bad Pennies - Full Band Show
Wednesday, February 15th at 7:30 pm.
Admission is $10. Call 570-996-1500 for reservations.
This year we will be joining forces with our friends from the Old Lynn Concert Series for an exciting new venture - a joint presentation of one of the top acts in the folk music world.

See or phone 836-1022 for times

At The Dietrich

Hildy Morgan

At last! Two new movies! The whole thing with movie companies is that they make you keep a movie until it is beyond moribund. Until it is deader than a mouse in a cat’s paw. It doesn’t do to tell them that we know the movie is over, that almost the last person on earth has come to see it, that a fourth week on a three month old picture won’t work. Nope. The numbers were good for the third weekend so they must be able to make it a fourth. Right.

But finally, finally we have something new for you. In the Evans we are showing a family comedy - - The Pink Panther, starring Steve Martin. Now look, this isn’t fine art, this isn’t War and Peace, this is just a couple of laughs, a number of pratfalls, a gorgeous girl (Beyonce) and Steve Martin and Kevin Klein acting up and out, so to speak. The trailers are very funny and it simply looks like good, albeit extremely silly, fun. I’m actually looking forward to seeing something light since we have had such heavy fare the last few weeks.

In the Murray we are showing Munich. I saw it a few weeks ago and I have to tell you that I think it is one of Spielberg’s best films ever. It is deadly serious, extremely violent (thus the R rating) and, in my mind, right on the mark. It is the story of the aftermath of the murders of the Jewish athletes in Munich. Golda Meir decided that all those involved in the killings must be assassinated and she sends a young Israeli to head the assassination team. The problem with being an assassin is that it begins to suck the lifeblood out of the soul. These are real people being killed, and although they did a horrendous thing, they also have a political point of view, a humanity.

When you see this movie you come away wondering what it will ever take to stop the eye for eye justice meted out constantly and to no avail in the Middle East. It is a sad, realistic movie about violence begetting violence. The acting is superb, the direction brilliant. You are right there with them, in the midst of this bloodbath of revenge. It’s a tough film, but it is worth your time if you are a serious filmgoer. It gives you much to think about for a long time after.

I tried to get Eight Below and couldn’t for right now, but we’re hoping to bring in that wonderful doggie adventure in the next few weeks. And we’re trying to bring in a film called The End of the Spear, asked for by the Baptist pastor in town. It’s a small company and they only have about a thousand prints out there, so it’s a little harder to get than a regular release, but we’re trying and hope to have it for you in a week or two. If we can’t get it for some reason, I’ll let you know. But we think we can get it. Same with The Fastest Indian in the World. Magnolia is such a small company that we can’t get a print at the moment. But we will definitely bring it in for festival if nothing else.

Okay, Erica said please don’t tell people she made me talk about cultural events, so I won’t tell you she made me do this. But she did. But I won’t say that. You won’t get that info out of me. No sireee Bob!

Okay. This Saturday is a wonderful treat for the kiddies and adults alike. Mary Baker is coming back with songs and stories for the little ones. And adding to that is the wondrous Isabel Wilner, published author. (If you’ve never seen her “B is for Bethlehem” run to the library now to see it. It’s so fine!) She is going to tell stories to the children from all over the world. Isabel is so tiny, but her spirit is mighty, believe me. And her stories are wonderful. Do bring the children for this magical event.

And remember all the other spring classes for kids and adults. Everything from Kindermusic to quilting to mixed media to yoga to the Everhart’s puppet theater. If you don’t have one of our spring brochures, they’re at the theater now. And the summer brochure is coming soon. Oh, my. Those cultural folks are busy, busy bees!

See you at the Dietrich.

Now Playing

Walk the Line

Brokeback Mountain

Opening Friday, Feb. 10th

Pink Panther


Live at The Dietrich

Erica Rogler

Our first Wyoming County Reads book discussion was quite a success! Forty-four residents of Wyoming County and the surrounding communities came out to discuss Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Dr. Warren Bareiss, an instructor at Penn State Hazleton, led a great discussion about the symbols in Golding’s classic novel. We also talked about each character’s role in the book. We hope you will join us for our second discussion tonight at the Tunkhannock Public Library at 7:00 pm focusing on “Freedom or Control, What Does Society Need?” in regard to Lord of the Flies. Refreshment will be provided and admission is free.

Next Thursday, Kindermusik will start up again at the Dietrich. Cathy Shefski, certified Kindermusik instructor, will be back for “Our Time” classes for children ages 1-1/2 to 3 years old. In “Our Time” students and their parent or caregiver enjoy singing, moving, listening and interacting socially, and playing instruments each week. Cathy’s favorite part of teaching Kindermusik is seeing how the children blossom over the 15-week series. She says they change so much, they start to talk more and open up, and by the end they address their peers by name and have a great time talking, singing, and making music. Cathy also holds Kindermusik classes in the Clarks Summit area. These classes are a great way for children to experience music. As Cathy says, “Anyone can make music somehow”. For more information about Kindermusik classes, call Cathy Shefski at 586-1977.

This Saturday, we will have a great family event at the Dietrich, Stories and Songs with Isabel Wilner and Mary Baker at 11:00 am. This is an event not to miss. Kids really respond to Mary’s storytelling and singing. And I think one Tunkhannock resident put it best, “Isabel Wilner is a town treasure”. Wilner is the author of 4 children books: Poetry Troupe, a Newbery Honor Book; B is for Bethlehem, Garden Alphabet, and Baby’s Game Book. I can’t wait to hear her tell “The Magic Umbrella” and other of her favorite stories. After the event we will celebrate Isabel’s 86th birthday with cake and refreshments. Admission is free. This event has been sponsored by State Farm Insurance.

Oh, Jez Lowe tickets, they are selling fast! We have only thirty tickets left, so reserve yours now. This concert will be a first for us. Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies will be our first concert featuring artists from the UK. For concert information, call the Dietrich at 996-1500.

More than the Movies at the Dietrich Theater

Get Your Book!
Wyoming County Reads: One County, One Book, One Movie
The Tunkhannock Public Library and the Dietrich Theater would like to invite you to read "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. Get your free book at the Tunkhannock Public Library, The Dietrich, or other libraries in Wyo. Co. while supplies last. Join us for book discussions and see the movie. Admission is free and refreshments will be provided.
Call the Dietrich (996-1500) or the Tunkhannock Public Library (836-1677) for details. This series is sponsored in part by the Pennsylvania Humanities Council.

Book Discussion Topics, Dates and Locations

Freedom or Control, What Does Society Need? - Wednesday, February 8th at 7 pm at the Tunkhannock Public Library.

Western Civilization: Veneer or Foundation? - Wednesday, February 22nd at 7 pm at the Tunkhannock Public Library.

What is Human Nature? What is Our Role in Nature? - Wednesday, March 1st at 7 pm at the Dietrich Theater.

Movie and Discussion - Reading a Movie, What is the Grammar of Film?
Wednesday, March 8 at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm at the Dietrich Theater.

Stories & Songs with Mary Baker & Isabel Wilner
Saturday, February 11 from 11:00 am - noon.
Admission is free.
Sponsored by State Farm Insurance.
Mary Baker will return to the Dietrich with your favorite songs and stories. Children's author, Isabel Wilner, now a permanent Tunkhannock resident, will tell The Magic Umbrella and other of her favorites from around the world. Fun for the whole family.

Jez Lowe & the Bad Pennies - Full Band Show
Wednesday, February 15th at 7:30 pm.
Admission is $10. Call 570-996-1500 for reservations.
This year we will be joining forces with our friends from the Old Lynn Concert Series for an exciting new venture - a joint presentation of one of the top acts in the folk music world.

Ongoing Classes and New Class Sessions! Spaces still available! Register Now! 996-1500

Afternoon Adventures for Girls, grades 5 - 8
Hey girl! You are a force to be reckoned with, an independent spirit. Celebrate yourself and your place in the world through interactive seminars on voice, body, culture, art and environment. Classes will be held at the Tunkhannock Middle School.
Thursdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6 from 3:30 - 5:15 pm.
Cost: Free!
Instructor: Everhart Museum Staff.

Decorative Painting, ages 13 and up
Learn decorative painting techniques while creating decorative pieces for your home or to give as gifts. Each project will be completed within one to two classes. All levels of experience welcome.
Wednesdays from noon - 3:00 pm. February 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29.
Cost: $15 per class plus the cost of the painting surface. Preregistration required.
Instructor: Eileen Balboa

Dietrich After School Players
For grades 5 - 12. Learn the theatre arts while preparing for the play "Get a Clue!" including costuming, set design, makeup, and performing for an audience at the Dietrich. Sponsored in part by State Farm Insurance and PA Partners in the Arts.
January 9 - March 4th. Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:30 - 5:30 pm.
Admission is $80 for the nine-week workshop
Directors: Carl Candey and Patti Dunning, First Act Children's Theatre.

Functional Mosaics, ages 13 to adult
Students will provide their choice of furniture (end table, mirror, etc.)to enhance by using mosaic tiles in their own unique design.
Thursdays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Cost: $45, includes all materials.
Instructor: Steve Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Intergenerational Quilting, for all ages
"Interlocking Boxes" - Learn the tricks of discovering new patterns inside this intriguing design. Family members can collect these charming 6" blocks and stitch them into one memorable quilt.
Wednesdays through March 29 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm.
Cost: $6 per lesson, all materials provided.
Instructors: Ingrid Rogler and Peggy Lane

Introduction to Sign Language
Learn the manual alphabet and some basic signs. For ages 8 to adult.
Tuesdays, March 7, 14, 21, 28 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Admission is $30.
Instructor provided by the Scranton School for the Deaf

Jewelry for Kids, ages 8 and up
Make a necklace and bracelet, one jute and one on wire - large selection of beads to choose from.
Tuesday, March 14th from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Cost: $9, includes all materials.
Instructor: Sarah Sidorek

Mixed Media, ages 5 - 8
A new artist will be introduced each week as students learn about famous artists in Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, Cubism, etc. and create their own works using a variety of materials including clay, tempera, charcoal, ,pastels, etc.
Fridays, 4:00 - 5:30 pm, Session 2 - February 10, 17, 24, March 3; Session 3 - March 10, 17, 24, 31.
Cost: $30 for each series of four classes.
Instructor: Amy Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Mixed Media, ages 9 -12
A new artist will be introduced each week as students learn about famous artists in Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, Cubism, etc. and create their own works using a variety of materials including clay, tempra, charcoal, pastels etc.
Thursdays, 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Session 2 - February 9, 16, 23, March 2. Session 3 - March 9, 16, 23, 30.
Cost: $30 for each series of four classes.
Instructor: Steve Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Mommy & Me Mixed Media
For ages 3 and 4. Young artists and their moms, dads, or grandparents will create works of art using an assortment of materials, including clay, tempera, watercolor and collage.
Fridays, 10:30 - 11:15 am, March 3, 10, 17, 24.
Cost: $25 for each series of 4 classes.
Instructor: Amy Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Mosaic Murals, ages 13 to adult
Students will learn the process of creating ceramic murals as they design their own original works using clay and plaster molds.
Thursdays, February 9, 16, 23, March 2 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
Cost: $45, includes all materials.
Instructor: Steve Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Open Studio for Painting, Drawing & Pottery
Students of all ages and levels of experience will have the opportunity to work at their own pace and medium of their choice with instructor Steve Colley. A model will be provided for an additional fee if the group chooses.
Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm, Session 2 - Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28; Session 3 - March 7, 14, 21, 28.
Cost: $45 for each series of four classes.
Instructor: Steve Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Painting on Glass
Paint a spring bouquet on a vase. All levels of experience welcome. For students ages 13 to adult.
Wednesday, March 1 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
Cost: $17, all materials included.
Instructor: Sarah Sidorek

Pottery & Sculpture, ages 13 to adult
This class is designed for students of all levels of experience. Students will work on pottery wheels and learn hand building and sculpture techniques.
Mondays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Session 2 - Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27. Session 3 - March 6, 13, 20, 27.
Cost: $45 for each series of four classes.
Instructor: Steve Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Preschool Art, ages 4 and 5
Preschool students will be introduced to a famous artist each week as they explore a variety of materials such as clay, tempera, watercolors, collage, etc.
Thursdays, noon - 12:45 pm, Session 2 - February 9, 16, 23, March 3. Session 3 - March 9, 16, 23, 30.
Cost: $25 for each series of four classes.
Instructor: Amy Colley, B.F.A., M.F.A.

Pull the Strings, grades 4 - 6
Lights! Camera! Action! Go behind the scenes, write an original play and create a cast of puppet characters for a puppet performance in the Dietrich's very own theater.
Tuesdays, March 28, April 4, 11, 18, 25 from 4:00 - 5:00 pm.
Admission is free!
Everhart Museum Staff

Quilting for Kids, ages 6 and up
"Friendship Star" - Experience the joys of team quilting while playing our new quilting games. Each student will take home their own quilt. Stitch one star in three lessons or stitch a sky full.
Wednesdays through March 29 from 3:30 - 5:00 pm.
Cost: $6 per lesson, all materials provided.
Instructors: Ingrid Rogler, Gloria Eastwood, Terri Keller, Mary Louise Dodge

Writers Group
Come and read your work or listen and be inspired. Learn the craft of writing as you write. All genres and levels of writing are welcome.
Thursdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Meeting are ongoing.
Admission is free.
group format - no instructor

Yoga for You
Accomodations will be made for beginners, experienced practitioners, and those with special needs. Call 570-996-1500 to confirm dates. Please bring yoga mat or beach towel.
Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, Call 570-996-1500 for class dates.
Cost: $10 per lesson. Children are free.
Instructor: Melissa Russo: Certified Hatha Yoga Instructor

Yoga for You at Night!
Accomodations will be made for beginners, experienced practitioners, and those with special needs. Call 570-996-1500 to confirm dates. Please bring yoga mat or beach towel.
Mondays from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Classes are ongoing.
$10 per class
Instructor: Mary Frances Giodano, certified Hatha yoga instructor

Yoga for You -Saturdays
This class will teach or reinforce the basic yoga poses (asanas) which gently stretch and strengthen the body. Special attention will be given to proper breathing and alignment in the postures. Please bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Call 570-996-1500 to register.
Saturdays from 10:00 am -11:00 am. Classes are ongoing
Admission is $10 per class.
Instructor: Mary Frances Giordano, certified Hatha yoga instructor

Call 996-1500 for information or see for descriptions or pick up a brochure at the theater.